Canary Live! Management System

Enterprise Management Made Easy

Canary Live is a centralised, web-based management system for professional services organisations to increase efficiency. The system will enable you to streamline your business operations by utilising online enterprise management functionality. Modules are available for:

  • Centralised Customer Management:
    Keep all your contact details just a few mouse clicks away. Store contact information, assign jobs, and group your customers into manageable groups using the keyword mapping system you control.
  • Job Tracking & Task Management:
    Load incoming jobs and projects into the Live Job Manager, including billing arrangements and rate codes. During the day, the Live Task Manager will let staff know what work is outstanding on their allocated jobs. Easily set up additional tasks against each project, and have users record the activities spent on them. Canary Live background processes keep all costs up to date in real-time, freeing staff up to get on with business.
  • Employee Time Tracking & Job Billing:
    Let your staff enter time into Live and watch how easy it is to track projects and billing. With all the time entries and billing information stored within the system, billing becomes more automated, and ‘phantom hours’ are no longer lost.
  • Accounts Receivable & Invoicing:
    Quickly and easily generate invoices for your customers using the Canary Live billing engine. You can charge for time spent on a particular job, or time spent on all jobs for that customer. Combined with the Time & Task Management module, you can attach time schedules to your invoices where required.
  • Purchase & Order Management:
    Create purchase orders from within Canary Live to record all purchasing activities for tracking and for billing.
  • Job Analysis & Reporting:
    Canary Live provides visibility to your time and billing functions, allowing you to view and analyse your business position very quickly. And, where you require additional reporting options, Canary will happily develop these for you.

Learn more at the Canary Live website or download a brief product summary

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